Article description Temax insulated bottom for pallet covers
The insulated bottom for single-use pallet covers produced by Krautz-Temax is used together with an insulated cover to protect temperature-sensitive products from unwanted external temperatures during storage and transport. The bottoms are available for both Euro or Block pallets in various insulation qualities. The insulated bottom is used for the transport and storage of eg food products in fresh refrigerated and frozen conditions, medicines and pharmaceuticals in ambient (+15+25°C) or (+2+30°C) or (+0+40° C) conditions, as well as chemicals such as paints and lacquers that must not freeze in winter. In short, the insulated bottom provides temperature protection for a wide range of applications and can be found in air freight, sea freight, road transport and storage in warehouses.
Usage information
- Quick and easy to use
- Single use = can only be used once
- Provides protection against both hot and cold temperatures
- Very light weight, flexible and water-repellent
- All 4 sides are stitched
CE certificate
All Temax products are produced according to CE-certificate and are checked for quality which can be provided with a certificate according to DIN-EN 10204-3.1.
Secondary packaging
The insulated bottom is a secondary packaging which means that products must always be pre-packaged.
The Temax insulated bottom is made up of loose layers, not laminated, where the different insulation layers can easily be taken apart for recycling. Materials (separate from each other): LDPE and reflective film
Temax BIO
Temax has production processes to produce the insulated covers from BIO materials which saves on CO2 emissions and benefits global warming. The Temax insulated pallet cover is a development and product of the Krautz-Temax group and is protected by intellectual property and publications.